
Academic Teams

Academic Teams

Academic Decathlon

Moderators: Mrs. Galas and Mr. Garcia
Aca Deca is a competition in which nine students use their knowledge of all academic areas in competition. Tests are taken, questions are answered, speeches are given, essays are written and scored and the culmination is the Super Quiz. Super Quiz is a competition among all the schools and individuals where, in a verbal questioning format, students ring in to answer questions. CCHS has competed in the Academic Decathlon for many years.

Science Olympiad

Moderator: Ms. Parry
Science Olympiad is a county-wide competition testing their knowledge in all areas of science. The team comes in smiling and ready to work after school and on Saturdays to prepare and practice for the competition. Students then compete taking tests, making presentations, and using models built for the Science competition. The students gain valuable experience using the Scientific Method in a competitive environment. CCHS students and teams have been successful in past competitions.

Academic Societies

List of 3 items.

  • BETA Club

    Moderator: Mrs. Susan Dillon
    BETA is a national Catholic high school organization. Beta International leads by serving others. Members must have a 3.0 or better GPA, outstanding citizenship, and evidence of leadership and service in the school community. All service is done on campus. 
  • CSF

    Moderator: Mrs. Randall
    CSF is the California Scholastic Federation. Membership is opened each semester and it is based on grades. Applicants submit an application, a copy of their previous semester’s grades, membership dues ($3.00), and must participate in the service project for each semester. Requirements are determined by the CSF Chapter. 
  • National Honor Society

    Moderator: Mrs. Randall
    The National Honor Society is open to all juniors and seniors with a cumulative high school GPA of 3.5 or greater. Students receive an invitation and must participate in a series of meetings as well as the application process. Their applications are reviewed by the faculty council and the students are notified in the spring regarding their membership status. Requirements are determined by the NHS Charter.

    NHS Selection Rubric & Guidelines

    NHS Selection Proces

Academic Decathlon

Science Olympiad

About Central Catholic

Faithful to our Catholic Tradition, our mission is to witness to the Gospel while building an educational community that inspires the spiritual, academic and social development of young adults.

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